2019-2020 Nursery

Nursery Activities in the event of Closure

Dear Parents/Carers,

Following the announcement from the First Minister yesterday we have been working hard to create a plan to support you and your child during the school closure period.

We believe the easiest way to share information with nursery families will be a weekly update on the school website https://kaimhill.aberdeen.sch.uk/

Every Monday morning we will provide recommended activities that you and your child can complete at home. This will include activities linked to the Curriculum for Excellence which we have planned to cover over the coming weeks. We will continue to share a nursery rhyme of the week and we are organising how we can continue to share a story of the week digitally. We will also share links to helpful websites for further activities.

If your child is attending nursery, they will be provided with their learning journey to take home which has been updated by the staff. We encourage you to continue to update this at home. If your child is not currently attending nursery this can be picked up tomorrow during the nursery day. We hope you are able to do this.

We do not wish to lose contact with our children and families so please keep us updated with achievements and activities your child is proud of on the following email addresses:

Mrs Williams – Nursery Teacher AleWalker@aberdeencity.gov.uk

Mrs Black – Nursery Manager FBlack@aberdeencity.gov.uk

Please also let us know if you have any questions. As always, Mrs Webster, our Head Teacher, is available for any support or questions SWebster@aberdeencity.gov.uk.

At this time of uncertainty the children may be aware of the anxiety around them – please do not give yourself any extra stress by trying to plan a day full of activities. Follow your child’s curiosity and creativity. Spend time together as a family reading, colouring, playing – and yes some screen time is acceptable for everybody’s sanity! It is recommended that we still try to follow a general routine with regards to sleeping and eating. Also try to get out and about for some fresh air, ensuring you keep yourself and others safe by staying 2 metres from others outwith your household. And remember to wash your hands!

I hope you feel this plan is supportive for the coming weeks. Please do keep in touch with us.

Take care of yourself and each other.

Mrs Fiona Black

Principal Teacher



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