At Kaimhill School we actively encourage the wearing of school uniform. All uniform must be named.
The uniform consists of:
Dark coloured skirt, pinafore or trousers
White polo shirt with school logo
Navy blue sweatshirt or cardigan with school logo
PE Kit: shorts, t-shirt and gym shoes (no football strips)
Girls may like to wear a blue gingham dress in the summer
Dark coloured trousers
White polo shirt with school logo
Navy blue sweatshirt with school logo
PE Kit: shorts, t-shirt and gym shoes (no football strips)
Pencil case containing pencils, eraser, coloured pencils.
Polo shirts, sweatshirts, cardigans and reversible jackets with the school badge are available to buy from the school office. Book bags and gym bags are also on sale.
The PE kit should be brought to school in a gym bag on a Monday morning and taken home on a Friday afternoon.
Children must not wear jewellery or bring valuables to school. Mobile phones etc are discouraged, but if brought to school must be handed in to the school office for safe keeping. The school is unable to take responsibility for any valuables lost or damaged on school premises.